Feel the Flow
1. - 2. March 2025 Sa. 11-17 h, Su 10.30-16 h
Kyodo Dojo, Mendelssohnstr. 15, 22761 Hamburg, Deutschland
Soul Motion Workshop with Edgar Spieker
Everything flows. Even the ancient Greeks were aware of the constantly changing nature of all existence. Nothing is static, even if it sometimes seems so and even if we perceive some moments of our lives as immobile or seem to be stuck in feelings or situations.
Clinging and rigidity are natural reactions of our nervous system to stressful experiences. Stress makes our muscles tense and our digestion stagnate. It often takes a while for these states of tension to dissipate, sometimes they become a kind of armor with which we go through life permanently, often without noticing it immediately. Only the lack of joie de vivre and depth of feeling or unstable health indicate that something is not quite in flow within us.
Perhaps it is time to change something. And what could be more effective than mindful movement and dance? Let’s bring more letting go and lightness back into our lives. Let’s dance our way back into the flow!
No previous knowledge is required for this workshop.
Workshop fee:
Standard Fee: 220 €
Reduced Fee: 190 €
Supporter Fee: 250 €
Note on the pricing structure:
The regular fee is the regular fee for the workshop.
The reduced fee is for dancers that cannot afford the standard rate
The supporter fee is intended for people with greater financial means. By paying a higher rate they support in this way participants with a small budget so that they can pay the reduced rate.
Register to the workshop
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