Stillness dancing
13. - 16. February 2025 Thu 18 h - Sun 14 h
Schloss Wasmuthhausen, Schlossberg 18, 96126 Maroldsweisach, D
Soul Motion Workshop with Edgar Spieker
In German, „Stille" usually refers to a state of motionlessness or soundlessness. But there is also inner stillness, the state of profound calm and contentment. This stillness has nothing to do with firmness or restraint. On the contrary, it is the state when nothing stops the movement of transformation (Dürckheim).
Even dance, which seems to consist primarily of movement, contains stillness. It even needs it, on the one hand as an antipole, on the other as a way to create a wide inner space in which the dance can unfold in all its fullness.
Stillness dances. And it speaks to us when we patiently surrender to the moment with all our senses.
In this workshop, we will explore different facets of stillness. We listen to the inner stream of life, which becomes physically tangible as we breathe in and out. We dance in the full range of human expression, from gentle to powerful. We sit in silence and experience the inner spaces in which we have always danced and will always dance.
Workshop fee:
Standard Fee: 365 €
Reduced Fee: 325 €
Supporter Fee: 405 €
Plus costs for accomodation and food (starting from 240 EUR)
Register to the workshop
In order to register for this workshop please contact:
Andrea Schnupp
Tel. 0179 9889880