The Dance of the Inner Panther
5. - 6. October 2024
Badener Tanzcentrum, Martinsbergstrasse 38, 5400 Baden, CH
Soul Motion Workshop with Edgar Spieker
Big cats (latin: Panthera) are an impressive and stunning example of a perfect blend of the polarities of yin and yang. Their movements are smooth, soft and flowing. They are devoted in their play, and when it comes down to it, they are masters of strength, speed and determination. They have a strong natural presence, both in motion and in silence.
The panther will be one of our inspirations during this Soul Motion weekend. Together we practice through the dance to become more present and relaxed with life in whatever way it shows up, in us and around us. We allow tenderness and boldness, depth and lightness, tears of happiness and sadness. All parts of us are welcome and they all have a place in our dance.
Workshop fee:
Standard Fee: 320 SFR
Reduced Fee: 290 SFR
Register to the workshop
In order to register for this workshop please contact:
Angelika Petrick Böni
Telefon +41 76 545 08 87